Environmental innovations


This is a selection of the environmental innovations we find in our worldwide innovation market research. We can provide you with the best environmental innovations and environmental business ideas. Our market research helps environmental startups with new ideas and existing environmental companies with opportunities for growth. Contact us on info@europeanbusiness.news for more information.


Toy rental

Toy rental

Kidalos is a platform for renting toys. Kids are able to try many more toys and enjoy them for as long as they really need. Renting toys ensures a great interaction… Read more

Heat harvesting

Heat harvesting

Callic develops systems to harvest heat from water. They have built a system that supplies heat from surface water to 200 homes and a swimming pool. They are … Read more

Battery recycling

Battery recycling

Zinc and manganese are essential elements in agriculture. But because of soil depletion 50% of the world’s soils are deficient in zinc and 10% are deficient… Read more

Reusable packaging

Reusable packaging

Sometimes you receive a package that is more waste than actual content. Packoorang develops recycled and reusable packages that are designed to last at least… Read more

Indoor air monitor

Indoor air monitor

Indoor air quality is crucial for your health and wellbeing. Airteq developed a platform that provides continuous monitoring of indoor air quality. It can… Read more

Ecological weed control

Ecological weed control

Municipal weed control can be damaging for the environment when herbicides are used. It can also create damage to the infrastructure when it is done mechanically.… Read more

True price stores

True price stores

The prices you see in your supermarket are not the true prices of products. The reason is that a lot of external effects from producing and transporting the product… Read more

Animatronic dolfins

Animatronic dolfins

Wild animals can be accustomed to swimming long distances. The documentary Black Fish shows us that keeping these animals in captivity creates serious issues.… Read more



Cryomation developed an alternative method for burial or cremation. The body of the deceased is immersed in liquid nitrogen to a temperature of -196 degreesRead more

Clean water system

Clean water system

SolarDew offers a new solution for producing clean drinking water from virtually any source of polluted, contaminated or saline water. It uses a patented … Read more

Refill revolution

Refill revolution

Recycling of plastic packaging has a lot of attention these days. But why melt a bottle to form a new bottle if you already have a bottle? That is where refilling… Read more

Phosphate from waste

Phosphate from waste

Susphos is focused on upcycling of phosphate rich waste streams to generate high-quality alternatives to replace current fossil-sourced products. The … Read more

Living coffin

Living coffin

The living cocoon of Loop is a living box made of mycelium: the root network of mushrooms. This has the power to return our bodies to the earth in the most natural… Read more

Sports turf recycling

Sports turf recycling

Re-Match is the first company to fully recycle the synthetic sports turf system with an accredited system. It provides sport arenas and stadiums with the opportunity

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