Energy innovations


This is a selection of the energy innovations we find in our worldwide innovation market research. We can provide you with the best energy innovations and energy business ideas. Our market research helps energy startups with new ideas and existing energy companies with opportunities for growth. Contact us on for more information.


A hot shower

A hot shower

A hot shower uses a substantial amount of energy. With the Warmduscher you can reduce this by 40%. The water from the shower is still around 35 degrees Celcius… Read more

Geothermal drilling

Geothermal drilling

Geothermal energy has a huge potential for heating homes, offices and greenhouses. But drilling a geothermal well is complicated and expensive. CanopusRead more

Electrolysis 2.0

Electrolysis 2.0

The world is moving towards a new hydrogen infrastructure where green hydrogen is produced by eletrolysis. Electrolysis uses electricity to split water … Read more

Lithium recycling

Lithium recycling

Lithium is an essential part in batteries for electric vehicles, smartphones, laptops and much more. But lithium is not an abundant material in nature. Therefore… Read more

Capture pure carbon

Capture pure carbon

At the moment most hydrogen is created from natural gas. This results in CO2 emissions so this is not a sustainable technology. Hycamite is developing a technology… Read more

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